pas de deux
the moon dances around the star at night
into the early morning hours
it keeps its distance
never far away
shining brightly
lighting up patches of the black sky
upon a stage of graceful clouds
a divine eternal boundary
the two tango at arms length
resting between songs
connected by God's sufficient embrace
the Father rests his finger on the sky's stage
changing the painted scenery
refusing to dull the delight of the dancing partners
pas de deux
pirouetting across the sky
one then the other
never long in the same position
in God's territory
bowing and leaping at faith
the star seeking reason and purpose
the light of God's chosen moon
holding it steady
beauty in the motion of dance
an unfamiliar troupe of stars
danced for the Father one night
a performance of wonderment and fear
searing into the star's soul
blinding her gaze
leaving weary steps
forgotten taps
uneven spins
the morning is forgiveness
dawn teaches a new clarity of graceful twirls
a knowing "two-step"
death to life
pain to joy
the evening stage begins to beckons
in the light of darkness
the star and the moon dance
once more
for God
pas de deux
(Copyright 2008: Regina Y. Evans)