I just wanted to take the time to thank the many individuals and organizations who came out to support the Berkeley, Ca and San Francisco, Ca showings of Echo: A Poetic Journey into Justice. Our hope with the production was to bring awareness to how our youth in this country are brutalized by sex trafficking/slavery. We are grateful for the many people who came out to network, learn about the issue, and join in the fight.
My utmost gratitude to my friends at Central Works Theater, Berkeley Ca and the members of City of Refuge United Church of Christ, San Francisco, Ca for donating their space for the performances. Amazing!
I am also thankful and grateful to the many organizations who came out to support this project: Not For Sale Campaign, MISSSEY, DreamCatchers Homeless and Runaway Youth Services, The Renew Project, Epic Bloom, Freedom House, Because Justice Matters, Chab Dai, CA Against Slavery, Project Exodus, and Out of Egypt.
Please look for us next year for our 2011 performances. In the meantime I will be working on some new poetry...amd maybe a play or two!
God bless.
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