Monday, November 29, 2010

Big J's Place

Check out my friend's, Jason Stevens, Australian television show! What a trooper! I have know Jason for some time now and can vouch for him that he is an awesome kinda guy. One of Australia's gems for sure. I am so inspired by how he has held onto his dreams until fulfillment. The show also features his beautiful wife Beck (who is awesome in her own right and together they make a WOWZAA gorgeous and talented team!) They also rock because they have both stepped up as a team to aid in the fight against sex trafficking. Jason and Beck helped to bring the movie Call and Response (a movie bringing awareness to sex trafficking) to Australia. I believe that they hosted an awareness event/fundraiser for the movie. Also, I believe, that they are involved with additional fundraising efforts on behalf of sex trafficked victims.

Check out the first Big J's Place show at the link below:

Want to know more about Jason and Beck Stevens? Check out the links below:

Big J's Place Facebook:

And to check out the Movie Call and Response go to the link below:

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